How does one join this Uber elite squad?

Short answer, you probably are not rad enough.  But if you think you have what it takes, there are a few simple steps.

Send us a message via the contact form below describing who you are and why you think we should consider you.

The Overlord will then determine if you can move to the next step.  If he does so, you will be assigned a task, potentially physical, or cerebral.

This task or assignment will be put before our Noble Board of Elders.  Whom will dissect your work, and put your entry to a vote.

If accepted you will be bathed in hot sexy party times.  If rejected, you shall walk the remainder of your days knowing you are a lowly worthless Cunt.

What is that smell?

We have worked quite hard on determining what the intense scent is that follows our Lot wherever they roam. After years of experiments, and laborous scientific research we have come to a conclusion: it is the essence of great Men and Women from the past. We have not realized until now that this has been a cause for our great success. Nary a fellow has tools such as this in their quiver. Our paths are made clear, and our decisions always wise due to this. We can only surmise that a larger force is assisting. Call it what you will, a God or higher power is at work for the T$A.


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